
and i would walk 500 miles...

NOTE: my internet connection at UCD only allows me to use Safari (which sucks) and my blog format keeps getting messed up. i apologize!

Day 5
- wake up early and move out of Ariel House. BUT not before Traditional Irish Breakfast

which was quite good (minus the blood pudding).

anyway, UCD dorms are Super nice!! we're basically living in an IKEA catalogue. i should have brought more stuff, cause i have the space for it. (video of my room to come soon)

after we moved in, we had orientation on campus. the place is beautiful. o
ur campus tour guide gushed about the construction going on on campus, which includes an Olympic sized swimming pool - only the 3rd in the country!

following unpacking, we headed into town to have some lunch with b.love and our TA, Robin.
this was the perfect opportunity to e
njoy our very first pint in Ireland. let me just say that i have been deprived - BULMERS is amazing!

Hillary, Ashley and I quite enjoyed it with our lunch.

we did a little grocery shopping at tesco, then headed back to UCD to get changed.

for our first night out we hit the famous Temple Bar in Temple Bar.

Hillary, Rachel, Alicia and Tracie had some Bulmers while Kelsey and I went for the Guinness. mmMMmm Guinness.

Did you know that if you make out with an Irish guy you will have good luck for your whole life?
"Have you kissed an Irish guy yet?" "umm, no thank you."

Day 6- our first class day!!

we have class every day from 10-12, which isn't so bad. we talked about our project and were assigned to groups for our secondary research. it's actually pretty exciting.

after class and group meeting, i went for a run around campus. i got a little lost, stretching my run to 35 minutes, but i saw some pickup games of 'flag rugby', which was pretty freakin cool.

we went to town and did a bit of shopping. i got a purse, a bracelet and a tank top for 7 euro, which is amazing. thank you, Pennys.

all of this activity left me exhausted, so i napped, then got dressed for Temple Bar :)

the bus stops running at 11 (and cabs are kinda expensive) so we go out around 8. this actually works out really well because we have a fun night out but still get enough sleep (when i don't stay up late blogging!).

i thought i was spoiled in Austin with live music and atmosphere, but Dublin kicks ass. almost every bar has live music all the time. we saw a super cute Irish guy with an acoustic guitar sing lots of popular cover songs at The Purty Kitchen.

then we ventured over to The Porter House where we drank strawberry beer (Fruli) and jammed to

Groove Machine (pictured here)

to fully appreciate them, you have to look closely and see that the lead guitar/lead singer on the left is also playing the drums with his feet on pedals. the other guitar player has a tambourine taped to his right ankle. they played "Johnny B. Goode" like this (at the end he yelled "McFLY!" making it even better).

great night out. visit with HSE tomorrow!

going to sleeeeep (finally)

leave me comments :)

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