
I don't have an accent, YOU have an accent!

Day 10- LLLiiivvveee from Dublin, it's SSAATTTUURRDAAYY NIGHT!

on Saturday morning we got up kind of early (shocking!) and headed into Temple Bar for the

weekly farmers market.

we walked around and sampled everything available to us. (which includes the biggest strawberries you've ever seen, that had been picked at 5am that morning)

this chocolate biscuit cake stuff is Incredible. we didn't try it at the farmers market, but we had it the night before (from the wedding party at the Irish dancing place)

Also, check out the SIZE of these chocolate cookies (and the blueberry scones)

after the farmers market we headed to the Docklands for the Maritime Festival.

here i am in front of the Samuel Beckett Bridge

it was only put there in May 2009. the background on the designer is pretty interesting,
and (if you click the link) it shows you that the bridge was actually constructed elsewhere, then brought by boat to this spot.

the festival was a lot of fun!

in some aspects it was just your typical street fair, but European style :)

Hillary had a quiche (they look
like GIANT slices of pizza) which was delicious

i opted for an Irish sausage (with onions and peppers, mmMMMmmmm)

there was lots of good shopping, but somehow i resisted buying anything.

want to laugh? check out this video of Rachel Daneman and i with trying to take a picture with a big character that was walking around.....

it 'gets good' at about 25 seconds in. he says "i own you now!", wouldn't let us go and sang us a

be sure to watch the very end.

anyway, we walked around and enjoyed the day.

Hillary and I grabbed a Krombacher -->

(a delicious German beer that was recommended to us by an Irish festival attendee)

even Peyton Manning came to the festival!

though, Irish Peyton Manning has probably had a few too many pints.

After our day out,
we came back to the dorms to get ready for out Night out!

Tracie had some friends in town, so we hit Temple Bar with some UT boys.

the special at The Porter House was frozen margaritas so HAD TO go for it haha

now for a series of slightly debaucher-ous pictures....

some of the girls with some of the Texas boys....

some classy Dubliners....

and some British boys.

CHEERS, yall.

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