
Guinness is good for you.

Day 21 - (Thursday, June 17th)

instead of having class on Thurs, each project group met with B.Love individually for about an hour (there are 3 groups with 5 people each)

we met up in Powers Court (pictured here). it's sort of a hidden mall inside the City Centre. it used to be someone's house! a roof was put on the
courtyard and now lots of little cafes/shops operate inside of it.


i've mentioned that our project is about the HPV vaccine launch/cervical cancer awareness in Ireland. each group was assigned a certain population to focus on/research.

the final project will be a compilation of information about our assigned group to be given to the HSE. they will use this information to design their communication strategy around the release of the vaccine, come September.

my group was assigned to fathers of girls 12-13 yrs old.

most of the primary research will be done through interviews ("hey do you have a second to talk?") with men aged 40-50 in Dublin to learn about where they receive/look for health information and what they know about cervical cancer specifically.

--i hope that my simplification/explanation of our project made sense--

anyway, back to what you actually want to read about.

after 'class' we had a delicious and surprisingly very filling lunch at a little Italian cafe - Al Vecchio Castello - inside Powers Court (one level up from where we met with B.Love)

the soup (veggie pesto) was incredible and this place had the best 'chips' that we've found in Dublin so far (though i got a salad instead)

Side Note: 'chips' means french fries. they serve them with everything here. i mean everything. this includes our chinese take-away and pizza delivery. even when we went to the nice Italian place in Galway, Hillary's meal came with chips. usually they are thick and "potato-y" but this place had thin cut, crispy chips :)

but enough about food, let's talk about alcohol...

Hillary and i finally made it to the Guinness Factory

they don't actually make Guinness here anymore and everyone that has gone already gave this #1 most visited tourist attraction in Dublin apathetic/mixed reviews, but

as i'm sure you'll be able to tell from the following pictures, we had a blast...

first we learned about the ingredients:

1. barley
2. hops
3. yeast
4. pure/clean water (pictured here)
and of course,
5. Andrew Guinness (or a specially trained Master Brewer)

we continued through the self-guided tour, which lead us to the Tasting Room.

it was here that we were taught how to properly enjoy the taste of Guinness Draught.

moving right along to storage and shipping....

the factory had the largest beer storage barrel and was completely centered around the largest pint glass in the world.

shipping was traditionally done by boat haha

my Favorite part of the factory was the whole section about Guinness advertising.

we watched famous Guinness commercials and learned the history behind the award winning ad campaigns the company has produced.

i won't get into the details, but "Guinness is good for you" is by far my favorite example of accurate market research :)

recognize this harp??

the final (and probablymost important) thing we did on the tour was learn how to pour the perfect pint.

step by step instructions were laid out for us,

then we took a brief class on the subject

and then the student became the master...

though i may have gotten a little bit distracted by taking pictures and spilled just a bit.

<- our instructor was laughing at me ha

but i still earned my certificate :)

i hope you enjoyed basically taking this tour with me!!

STAY TUNED:more to come from Thursday...

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